
Theophrastus Repository contains the majority of the scientific work performed in IMFE, in an open-access, digital form.

Its collections cover environmental information broadly, emphasizing mainly on Forest Research and secondly on environmental issues. Scholars have access in scientific articles, studies, reports, grey literature, photographs and maps.

Besides its scientific value, Theophrastus is considered part of the Greek environmental legacy as it depicts all the evolutions which took place in Greece due to mankind or nature itself, thus interpreting the evolution of ecosystems.

Abies borisii regis Abies borissi-regis Mattf. Abies cephalonica Agriculture Agrometeorology APSI Aromatic plants Artificial intelligence Augmented reality Bee culture Bee keeping Bioclimate Biodiversity Biomass Canker Canker stain Cannabis Cannabis sativa Ceratocystis ficicola Ceratocystis platani Cistus Climate Climate change Climatology Conferences Contaminants Desertification Diseases Diversity Drought Dryness Dutch elm disease Ecological divisions Ecology Ecotourism Education Environmental rehabilitation Epigenetics Essential oils Evapotranspiration Evapotranspiration models Ficus carica L. Fir Fire behaviour Fire management Fire Prevention Fire suppression Forest ecology Forest economics Forest entomology Forest Fires Forest footprint Forest genetics Forest management Forest meteorology Forest pathology Forest products Forest regeneration Forest soil science Forest suppression Forest valuation Forestry Forests Fuel model Genetics GIS Greek fir Hydrology Impact Insects Internet Juniperus Juniperus drupacea Juniperus foetidissima Landscape architecture Measurements Meteorology Metsovo Microclimatic conditions Micrometeorology MSc National Forest Strategy National Parks Natural hazards Open Access Open Acees Open Science Particleboards Permanent plots Phytophthora ramorum Pine Pinus Pinus halepensis Pinus heldreichii Platanus Platanus orientalis Platypus cylindrus Policy makers Postfire regeneration Postfire restoration Potential Evapotranspiration PET Prescribed burning Professions Recycling Reforestation Rehabilitation Repositories ResAlliance Resilience Restoration Safety Sitka Spruce Soil science Spacing Statistics Sustainable development Technical works Theophrastus Timber production Trade Tree Physiology Ulmus Urban forests Urban green Vineyard Volatile metabolites Water management Wildfires Wood Wood treatment Αιθέρια έλαια Γενετική Δασικές πυρκαγιές Δασική γενετική Δασική εντομολογία Κλιματική αλλαγή Κλιματολογία Μicrometeorology